Collector NunSlaughter


Recorded at Mother Mary's Rehearsal Manger.
Tracked by Steve Rhynard.
Mixed by Brian "Beaker" Zietlow.
Layout & Cover Art by Eric Horrorval.
Insert Art by Otis Slusher.
Band Logo Drawn by Klaudiusz Witczak.

Don Of The Dead - Christ. // Sadist - Child. // Deserter - Must Die.

From the truest & sickest death metal band ever comes a sinful vinyl, originally custom made for this festive occasion: hand-carved by the virgin mother from the same knife she used to take the infant's life, now resurrected for the supposed birth of a hobo!
Originally released on Shitmas day in 2004 in a thousand different configurations, NUNSLAUGHTER's Christmassacre 7" is reissued to ruin your holiday season: a metal event it will not be without one of these under YOUR tree!.
"No copyright written or implied. Copy this recording and give it to everyone that you want to free from the tyrany of Christianity.
Spread the word that Christ is dead. Christianity is an infectious plague spreading across the world. Immunize yourself."

- FORMAT - 7EP Picture Disc
- DATE - December 21th, 2012
- LABEL - Hells Headbangers Records (United States)
- NOTE - w/ Insert.

Side DEAD:

A1 - Deathlehem.
A2 - Unholy Scriptures.


B1 - Jewrusalem.
B2 - Unclaimed Cadaver.

Collector NunSlaughter

..:Differents Formats:..

December 25th, 2004MLP 384Green, Vinyl Edition "CHRIST KILLER" Cut-Out Record
"Hells Headbangers Records"
December 25th, 2004MLP 214Red, Vinyl Edition "CHRIST KILLER" Cut-Out Record
"Hells Headbangers Records"
July 25th, 2005MLP 39Green, Vinyl Edition "BUZZSAW"
"Hells Headbangers Records"
July 25th, 2005MLP 94Red, Vinyl Edition "BUZZSAW"
"Hells Headbangers Records"
July 25th, 2005MLP 68Green, Vinyl Edition "CHRISTMAS TREE"
"Hells Headbangers Records"
July 25th, 2005MLP 24Green, Vinyl Edition "5 Pointed Star"
"Hells Headbangers Records"
July 25th, 2005MLP 24Red, Vinyl Edition "5 Pointed Star"
"Hells Headbangers Records"
July 25th, 2005MLP 24Green, Vinyl Edition "Square Shaped Record"
"Hells Headbangers Records"
July 25th, 2005MLP 22Red, Vinyl Edition "Square Shaped Record"
"Hells Headbangers Records"
December 21th, 20127EP #Picture Disc
"Hells Headbangers Records"
Collector NunSlaughter

Copyright © 2009-2025 - Lorddertiefen. All rights reserved. This site is not the official site of NunSlaughter. It is a Fan page.

Last Update: February 22nd, 2025.

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