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My collection started at the end of 2004, with the purchase of "Hells Unholy Fire" LP Picture Disc version, through a small French label.
After some research on the web, I discovered their discography (7EP, LP, Tapes).
By chance, I had the opportunity to contact and so buy items to Don Crotsley , which allowed me to get some collectors, and since then I started collecting each item.
Since then, many labels all over the world have made beautiful CD, 7EP, LP, Boxset ....
(Hells Headbangers Records, Hoth Records, Turanian Honour Productions, Basement Records, Diabolic Force Productions, Sudaca Records / Southamerica Holocaust / Warfuck Records, Stygian Shadows Productions, Doomentia Records, and more......)
Today (February 22nd, 2024), my collection counts 771 articles (but nothing is for sale):

0 - 9:

- 13 Bands Who Thinks You Are Gay (x2) [2004]
- 1987 Rehearsal (x2) [2001-2006]


- All Of The Dead (x1) [2008]
- An Evening At War (x5) [2007-2014]
- Angelic Dread (x13) [2014-2023]
- Antichrist (x2) [2019]


- Beware (x4) [2016]
- Black (x4) [2010-2021]
- Black Death Phantom (x5) [2021-2022]
- Black Horn Of The Ram (x1) [2009]
- Black Mass In Hells Headbash (x2) [2017]
- Blasphemer (x3) [2004]
- Blood Devil (x2) [1999-2001]
- Brescia EP (x2) [2014]
- Burn The Cross (x2) [2004-2014]
- Burn The Sky (x2) [2022]
- Burning In Buffalo (x1) [2022]
- Burnt Ramen (x1) [2015]


- Cerebus (x2) [2003-2012]
- Christmassacre (x10) [2004-2012]
- Chronical Moshers (x2) [2022]
- Cleveland Murder (x1) [2023]
- Club Cobra Control (x3) [2009]
- Condemned To Hellsinki (x3) [2014-2016]
- Cursed In Hexico (x2) [2018]


- Damned In Japan (x3) [2007-2008]
- Dead Jehovah (x2) [2018]
- (x1) [2023]
Dead Sex & Magick (x2) [2017]
- Demon On Fire (x1) [2014]
- Demonic Boxset (x1) [2019]
- Demoslaughter (x6) [2006-2011]
- Denied (x2) [2022]
- Desecration Over Sabahells (x1) [2012]
- Devastating Denver (x1) [2023]
- Devil Metal (x3) [2001-2003]
- Devil Metal (A Tribute To NunSlaughter) (x1) [2007]
- Devil Metal Glore (x3) [2017]
- Devil Metal Holland (x3) [2022]
- Devil Metal Is The Law (x1) [2024]
- Devils Congeries - Volume 1 (x4) [2013-2021]
- Devils Congeries - Volume 2 (x3) [2017]
- Devils Congeries - Volume 3 (x3) [2019]
- Devils Congeries - Volume 4 (x3) [2022]
- Devils Congeries - Volume 5 (x3) [2024]


- Eastern Illusion (x4) [2007-2014]
- Emperor In Hell (x2) [2017]
- European Excommunication Tour 2009 (x5) [2009]
- Evil Deeds (x1) [2016]
- Evil Speaks (x2) [2005]


- Face Of Evil (x8) [1995-2016]
- Fathers Of Fright (x1) [2006]
- Forward To Hell (x6) [2012-2020]
- Fuck That Cunt (x2) [2006]
- Fuck The God In Heaven (x5) [2006]


- Goat (x26) [2003-2023]
- Goat Metal Trinity (x1) [2017]
- Goat ReHELLarsal (x4) [2020]
- Goat Rough Mix (x3) [2018]
- Goatland (x7) [2018]
- Gruesome (x1) [2016]


- Hate Your God (x5) [2002-2006]
- Hear The Witches Cackle (x7) [2020-2021]
- Hell In Cali (x1) [2015]
- Hell On Austria (x1) [2003]
- Hell On Belgium (x2) [2001]
- Hell On Europe (x1) [2005]
- Hell On France (x2) [2004]
- Hell On Germany (x1) [2001]
- Hell On Holland (x3) [2008]
- Hell On Italy (x1) [2016]
- Hell On Spain (x2) [2002]
- Hell On Switzerland (x1) [2001]
- Hellidelphia (x3) [2007-2023]
- Hells Filth (x1) [2014]
- Hells Headbash: Meat Meets Metal (x1) [2015]
- Hells Unholy Fire (x26) [2000-2024]
- Hells Unholy Rough Mix (x2) [2012]
- Hex (x17) [2007-2023]


- Idle Hands (x2) [2013]
- Impale The Soul Of Christ... (x3) [1991-2004]
- In Memoriam (x2) [2015]
- Inverted Churches (x1) [2019]


- Jew Lie (x1) [2011]


- Kessel July 14th, 2023 (x1) [2023]
- Killed By The Cross (x1) [1990]


- Lemminkainen (x2) [2018]
- Live Annaberg, Buchholz (x2) [2014]
- Live At CBGB (x3) [2014-2023]
- Live At Lucifers Hammer (x3) [2002-2013]
- Live At Obscene Extreme 2014 (x1) [2022]
- Live Choking (x10) [2017]
- Live Devils In The City Of Angels (x5) [2010-2023]
- Live Finland (x1) [2014]
- Live In Aurora (x3) [2011-2014]
- Live In Clifton New Jersey (x2) [2013-2023]
- Live In Japan 2005 (x1) [2023]
- Live In Paris (x2) [2009]
- Live Mexicali (x3) [2002-2012]


- Magic Festival (x1) [2017]
- Metal Assault On Adelaide (x2) [2006]
- Metal Assault On Australia (x1) [2005]
- Metal Assault On Brisbane (x1) [2009]
- Metal Assault On Canberra (x2) [2004]
- Metal Assault On Melbourne (x1) [2009]
- Metal Assault On Sydney (x1) [2006]
- Murder Is Easy (x6) [2017]


- Near The Catacombs (x3) [2012-2014]
- Never On Sundays (x11) [2017]
- New York's Unholy Fire (x2) [2017]
- Noctis (x1) [2013]
- Nordic Nightmare Tour 2007 (x1) [2007]
- Novel Nasty Nugget (x3) [2008-2011]
- Nunslaughter (x1) [2002]


- Old Goats Dont Die (x2) [2016]
- One Night In Hell (x5) [2001-2021]
- Open Sepulchre (x2) [2005]
- Open The Gates (x1) [2015]


- Padova 18 Marzo 2009 - Tour EP Commemorativo (x3) [2009]
- Possessed By Death Metal (x2) [2013]


- Querulous (x1) [2023]


- Radical Rapture Ruptures (x1) [2007]
- Radio Damnation (x7) [2001-2021]
- Raid The Country Star (x2) [2009-2020]
- Raiding The Convent - Volume 1 (x1) [2016]
- Raiding The Convent - Volume 2 (x3) [2017]
- Raped By Hungarianuns (x6) [2011-2019]
- Red Is The Color Of Ripping Death (x14) [2021-2024]
- Rehearsal June 8th, 1999 (x4) [2017]
- Rehearsal MMVVII (x1) [2018]
- Rehearsalcide (x10) [2018]
- Ritual Of Darkness (x6) [1990-2016]
- Ritual Of Rotting Christ (x1) [2022]
- Rituals Of Darkness (x1) [2003]
- Rock It (x1) [2017]
- Rotchester (x1) [2023]
- Rotting 1989 (x1) [2006]


- Satanic Slut Spawns (x2) [2009]
- Satanic Sluts (x1) [2003]
- Sathaslaughter (x1) [2009]
- See You In Fucking Hell (x1) [2014]
- Sins Of Father (x2) [2008]
- Sisters Of Fright (x5) [2014-2016]
- Skinwalker (x4) [2016]
- Smell The Rot (x1) [2023]
- South East Asia (x4) [2014-2015]
- South East Asia Rehearsal (x2) [2013]


- Tales Of Goats And Ghouls (x1) [2015]
- Tasting The Blood Of Your Savior... (x2) [2003]
- Terror In Chicago (x2) [2019-2021]
- The 7EP Collection (x1) [2003]
- The Bog People (x4) [2004]
- The Curse Before The Hex (x2) [2007-2008]
- The Danish Murders (x1) [2012]
- The Day We Die (x1) [2002]
- The Devil Has His Day (x1) [2006]
- The Devil Live In Providence (x2) [2007-2023]
- The Guts Of Christ (x10) [1993-2020]
- The Last Show With Sadist (x1) [2017]
- The Left Hand Of Christ (x1) [2016]
- The Revolution (x4) [2020]
- The Rotting Christ (x4) [2004-2020]
- The Supreme Beast (x2) [2004-2016]
- Thrasho De Mayo (x1) [2023]
- Thunders Over Miriquadi (x5) [2016]
- To Rule In Hell (x6) [2017]
- Torture (x1) [2023]
- Towards The North (x2) [2010]
- Treviso EP (x2) [2014]
- Trifurcate (x2) [2000-2011]


- Unhallowed Thoughts (x2) [2017]
- Unholy Hell (x1) [2009]
- Upon The Altar (x2) [2014]


- Very Early And Filthiest Demos (x1) [2024]
- Virgin Holy Sacrifice (x1) [2014]


- Waiting To Kill Christ (x9) [2001-2024]
- Why (x2) [2020]
- Wrath Unleashed (x11) [2017-2022]
- Wretched Rehearsal (x8) [2018]


- Xoanon (x1) [2023]


- Zendik (x1) [2023]

Split w/...:

- ABIGAIL - Fucking Satan - (x3) [2011-2012]
- ACID WITCH - Spooky - (x4) [2014-2024]
- AGATHOCLES (x4) [2011-2015]
- ALL THESE WHILE... (x11) [2013-2015]
- ANAL CUNT - CuntSlaughter - (x1) [2014]
- ANTISEEN (x2) [2013]
- BLOOD (x7) [2022-2024]
- BLOODSICK (x3) [1997-2008]
- BOULDER - Heavier Than Hell / Doom Stone - (x1) [2015]
- BRODY'S MILITIA - Punk As Fuck / Tribute Through Blasphemy - (x4) [2006-2007]
- BRUDNY SKURWIEL (x2) [2015]
- CENTINEX - Hail Germania - (x3) [2003]
- CIANIDE - Sickened By The Sight Of Christ - (x3) [2003]
- CRUCIFIER (x2) [1998-2023]
- DECREPIT, DANA SIXTY, DOCTOR BITCH - To Hell w/ Cleveland - (x1) [2007]
- DEKAPITATOR (x2) [1998-2013]
- DEMONICAL - European Deathcharge - (x1) [2014]
- DERKETA - Evil Dreams / Begotten Son - (x2) [1999-2001]
- DESTRUCTOR (x4) [2007]
- DESTRUKTOR - Satanic Salvation / Live Desecration - (x3) [2002]
- DR.SHRINKER (x2) [2001-2008]
- EVIL WRATH - The Hammer Of Satan - (x3) [2012]
- FETID ZOMBIE (x2) [2012]
- FETUS EATERS (x1) [2010]
- FLUIDS (x4) [2022-2023]
- GOATLORD - The Hammer Of Satan - (x3) [2004]
- GOATLORD, FUNERAL NATION, GRAVEWURM - 4 Way Split - (x1) [2019]
- GOATSODOMY (x1) [2009]
- GRAND BELIAL'S KEY - Satan Is Metal's Master / Sperm Of The Antichrist - (x3) [2001]
- GRAVEWURM (x2) [2007-2016]
- HAEMORRHAGE - Cut God Out / Feasting On Purulence - (x3) [2005-2018]
- HATEVOMIT - Nunvomit Of Death - (x4) [2019]
- HELLCHARGE - Death Rituals - (x2) [2013]
- HELLWARD, PUNISHER, CHAOTIC AEON, DINKUMOIL - Under The Sign Of Devil Metal - (x1) [2015]
- KRIEG - Satan Shitting On Cunt / Flesh Descending - (x2) [2004]
- KURNUGIA - The Halls Of Leviathan - (x3) [2023-2024]
- MANTAK - Possessed To Death - (x2) [2016]
- MASTER (x4) [2020-2021]
- MI'GAUSS - Altar Of The Dead - (x3) [2021]
- MIDNIGHT - Tejano Tour, March 6-7, 2010 - (x3) [2010]
- MOLOCH (x3) [2014-2018]
- MORBID DEVASTATION - To A Whore / Evil Reborn - (x4) [2016-2023]
- MORTADO - Devil Metal Over Cali - (x1) [2015]
- MUTILATED MESSIAH - Maggots - (x3) [2007-2008]
- NEKROFILTH - Defacing Holy Icons / Throne Of Sluts - (x2) [2011]
- NOCTURNAL - Cryptic - (x2) [2005-2011]
- NOMINON - Baptism By Fire - (x3) [2014]
- NUCTEMERON - Fuck Off !!! (In The Name Of Satan) - (x2) [2022]
- PAGANFIRE - Obscured Visions Of Satanic Arson - (x5) [2016-2019]
- PERVERSOR (x3) [2014]
- RADIOLOKATOR (x3) [2010]
- RAPED CHRIST - Christ Slaughter - (x3) [2015]
- SABBAT - Evil Hellbangers 1 - (x3) [2010]
- SABBAT - Sabbatical Nunslaughter Goat Metal Assault - (x1) [2011]
- SABBAT, ZOMBIE RITUAL - Evil Hellbangers 2 - (x5) [2010]
- SATHANAS - Torn Apart - (x1) [2021]
- SLAUGHTER - Back To The Crypt / Sadist - (x3) [2004-2008]
- SLOTH (x3) [2007-2017]
- SMG (x6) [2010-2013]
- SOULLESS - Scorn On The 4th Of July - (x2) [2004]
- SYPHILITIC VAGINAS - Satanic Masturbation / Under Satan's Command - (x4) [2009]
- THE SPAWN OF SATAN - Fuck The Poser's - (x3) [2003-2013]
- THRONEUM - Bedeviled - (x3) [2005-2017]
- UNBURIED (x3) [2012]
- UNHOLY GRAVE - How Cold The Grave / Anger Explosion - (x3) [2007-2023]
- VAULTWRAITH - The Devil Possessed - (x4) [2018]
- VICTIMIZER - On Our Way To Hell / Revenge Of The Hellhorde - (x4) [2004-2005]
- VLAD - Bizarre Virgin Of Satan - (x2) [2018]
- VOMIT OF DOOM - Live Without Mercy - (x1) [2018]
- WITCHTRAP (x2) [2014]

Collector NunSlaughter

Copyright © 2009-2025 - Lorddertiefen. All rights reserved. This site is not the official site of NunSlaughter. It is a Fan page.

Last Update: February 22nd, 2025.

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