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MLP - Dec.2004

MLP - July.2005

MLP - July.2005

MLP - July.2005

MLP - July.2005

MLP - Oct.2022
w/ Blood

MLP - Oct.2022
w/ Goatlord / Funeral
Nation / Gravewurm

MLP - June.2011
w/ Nekrofilth


LP - 2004
13 Bands Who Think
You Are Gay

LP - Aug.2007
An Evening At War

LP - Aug.2014
Angelic Dread

LP - Apr.2009
Club Cobra Control

LP - 2001
Devil Metal

2xLP - Aug.2013
Devils Congeries Vol.1

2xLP - Apr.2017
Devils Congeries Vol.2

2xLP - Nov.2019
Devils Congeries Vol.3

2xLP - May.2022
Devils Congeries Vol.4

LP - Feb.2007
Eastern Illusion

LP - Mar.2012
Forward To Hell

LP - Oct.2003

LP - Oct.2005

LP - Jan.2012

LP - 2019

LP - May.2020

LP - Jan.2020
Goat ReHELLarsal

LP - 2004
Hate Your Goat

LP - July.2021
Hear The Witches Cackle

LP - Apr.2003
Hell On Austria

LP - Feb.2016
Hell On Italy

LP - Apr.2000
Hells Unholy Fire

LP - Mar.2012
Hells Unholy Fire

LP - July.2012
Hells Unholy Fire

LP - Nov.2012
Hells Unholy Fire

LP - June.2007

LP - July.2007

LP - Nov.2014
Live Annaberg,

LP - Dec.2010
Live Devils In The
City Of Angels

LP - Mar.2012
Live Devils In The
City Of Angels

LP - Oct.2011
Live In Aurora

LP - Sept.2012
Near The Catacombs

LP - Apr.2008
Novel Nasty Nugget

LP - 2001
One Night In Hell

LP - June.2007
Radical Rapture

LP - 2001
Radio Damnation

LP - July.2011
Raped By Hungarianuns

LP - Nov.2022
Red Is The Color Of
Ripping Death

LP - Dec.2022
Red Is The Color Of
Ripping Death

2xLP - June.2009
Satanic Slut Spawns

LP - Dec.2007
The Devil Live
In Providence

LP - May.2017
Unhallowed Thoughts

2xLP - 2002
Waiting To Kill Christ

LP - Feb.2020
Wrath Unleashed

LP - Dec.2015
w/ Brudny Skurwiel

LP - Aug.2020
w/ Master

LP - Feb.2019
w/ Paganfire

LP - June.2010
w/ Sabbat

LP - Jan.2013
w/ The Spawn Of Satan

LP - 2005
w/ Victimizer

Collector NunSlaughter

Copyright © 2009-2024 - Lorddertiefen. All rights reserved. This site is not the official site of NunSlaughter. It is a Fan page.

Last Update: July 12th, 2024.

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