Collector NunSlaughter

..:Split w/ BRUDNY SKURWIEL:..

Split LP

This recording is dedicated to the memory of Jim "Sadist" Konya.
Artwork by Maciej Kamuda.

Live At Obscene Extreme Festival, Trutnov, Czech Republic, July 18th, 2014.
Dedicated to Jim Sadist.

All instruments were recorded live In day, on February 11th, 2015 at Czysciec Studio, except vocals in tracks 4, 7, 8 recorded on February 17th.
Music by Laka, Michal And Olo.
No triggering, no step recording, no overdubs, no metronome, no shitty edits - just pure fucking mayhem.
Brudny Skurwiel, Christraping blackthrash.

Fapi Rotten - Vomit. // Laka - Chainsaw. // Olo - Chainsaw. // Mjaodek - Bulldozer. // Michal - Deathhammers.

- FORMAT - LP Black
- DATE - December 22nd, 2015
- LIMITED - 400 Copies
- LABEL - Devil's Nun (Poland)
- CATALOG # - DN001
- NOTE - w/ Insert.
- FORMAT - LP Gold Marbled
- DATE - December 22nd, 2015
- LIMITED - 100 Copies
- LABEL - Devil's Nun (Poland)
- CATALOG # - DN001
- NOTE - w/ Insert.

Side A:

A1 - Obsessed With The Visions Of A Satanic Priest. (Live).
A2 - I Hate Christians. (Live).
A3 - Emperor In Hell. (Live).
A4 - Death By The Dead. (Live).
A5 - Killed By The Cross. (Live).
A6 - In The Graveyard. (Live).
A7 - Midnight Mass. (Live).
A8 - Satanic Slut. (Live).
A9 - Smell The Burning Churches. (Live).

Side B:

B1 - Satanik Thrash.
B2 - Fuck Christ!.
B3 - Queen Of Hellfire Part III.
B4 - Beyond The Altar.
B5 - Queen Of Hellfire.
B6 - Christraping Blackthrash.
B7 - Morbid Scars.
B8 - Evil Rock And Roll.

Collector NunSlaughter

Copyright © 2009-2025 - Lorddertiefen. All rights reserved. This site is not the official site of NunSlaughter. It is a Fan page.

Last Update: February 22nd, 2025.

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