Collector NunSlaughter

..:Split w/ HELLCHARGE:..
Death Rituals

Split Tapes

Tapes: 50 Black / 50 Clear
Covers: 25 Red / 25 Green / 25 White / 25 Blue.
Live split tape limited to 100 copies.
Nunslaughter's set was recorded on July 29th, 2000.
Hellcharge's set was recorded January 21th, 2012, at Alma em Formol.

- FORMAT - Tapes Black
- DATE - January 28th, 2013
- LIMITED - 50 Copies
- LABEL - Not On Label
- CATALOG # - #
- NOTE - w/ Red Cover.

- FORMAT - Tapes Clear
- DATE - January 28th, 2013
- LIMITED - 50 Copies
- LABEL - Not On Label
- CATALOG # - #
- NOTE - w/ Green Cover.

Side A:

A1 - Emperor In Hell. (Live).
A2 - Death By The Dead. (Live).
A3 - Face Of Evil. (Live).
A4 - The Dead Plague. (Live).
A5 - Altar Of The Dead. (Live).
A6 - Midnight Mass. (Live).
A7 - Black Horn Of The Ram. (Live).
A8 - Burn In Hell. (Live).
A9 - Obsessed With The Visions Of A Satanic Priest. (Live).
A10 - In The Graveyard. (Live).
A11 - Church Bizarre. (Live).
A12 - Devil Metal. (Live).
A13 - I Am Death. (Live).
A14 - Power Of Darkness. (Live).
A15 - Atheist Ways. (Live).
A16 - Satanic. (Live).
A17 - I.N.R.I. (Live).
A18 - Killed By The Cross. (Live).

Side B:

B1 - Chlamidya Is Not A flower. (Live).
B2 - Feeding Vomit. (Live).
B3 - Bite It You Scum (GG ALLIN cover). (Live).
B4 - Chase The Dragon. (Live).
B5 - I Hate Your Band. (Live).
B6 - Watain (VON cover). (Live).
B7 - Ode To A Junkie. (Live).
B8 - Look yourself In The mirror (After Your Car accident). (Live).
B9 - Fuel My Fire (L7 cover). (Live).
B10 - Requiem For Tower Number 5. (Live).

Collector NunSlaughter

Copyright © 2009-2025 - Lorddertiefen. All rights reserved. This site is not the official site of NunSlaughter. It is a Fan page.

Last Update: February 22nd, 2025.

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